EasyDB online databases

Online Forms

We have recently developed an online form data capture to make it easy to capture customer input. Easy to setup to capture any data input and store in an online database. Manipulate online or export to XLS format.

The system was used earlier this year (2020) by the Q Guild of Butchers to capture online entries for the [Smithfield Awards 2020].

The same online mechanism was used by the [Q Guild of Butchers] for the judges to mark and score the entries.

The system was also recently used by [DAFC.net] to ask fans to pick their Dunfermline [Team of the Year].

Our form generation system is similar to the google online form system, the data captured at our end can be used either online as part of your website or offline validation and verification. The Q Guild of Butchers collected the judges input data using our online form system and then determined the winners from the collected data.

Typically this would have been done by a spreadsheet, hwover, using thsi method, multiple judges uses the one central system to capture input data into a single database. The data was also exported into a single Spreadsheet for offline verification.

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This web site is our portal to a variety of web web applications. You will need to contact us to register for each of these applications, we do recieve a lot of hackers trying to break in unfortunately.

We are using this section to showcase some of the websites we have developed. The majority are heavily online database systems with online security built in.

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